The electronic filing convenience fee is no longer being charged as of March 8, 2019 pursuant to Court Order entered by the Hudson County Superior Court in the case captioned “New Jersey Land Title Association v. Juan M. Rivera, Jr., County Register of the County of Essex, Docket No. HUD-2077-17.” This web-site is enabled to support Essex County for recording of all documents regarding real property with Essex County Register of Deeds & Mortgages. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. The ultimate goal is to allow total electronic recording of real property. Level I allows the submitter to create an electronic cover page (Document Summary Sheet) which is then attached to the original document and submitted for recording. After the document is received by the County Clerk's office, recording and indexing take place almost immediately and the recording information is automatically available here on this site. The documents are then scanned and verified and returned to the sender within days. Level II will include a scanned image of the document, supplied by the sender, along with the Document Summary Sheet. Recording & indexing will take place as usual and the recorded image is returned to sender with all recording information electronically stamped on it. Again all information can be tracked on this web-site. Thank You Essex County Register of Deeds & Mortgages