Christine Giordano Hanlon Esq.
County Clerk
Payment Methods ACH
Summary sheet (Level I) Submissions No
With Images (Level II) Submissions Yes
Electronic Submission Interface (Level II) Yes

Monmouth County

eRecording since October, 2003
County Logo Monmouth County Clerk's Office
Market Yard, P.O.Box 1251
Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 431-7324
Monmouth County Clerk Home Page
News :
  1. Getting ready for the First Submission? Click Here to View the Getting Started Guide for a Jumpstart!
  2. Getting ready for the First Submission? Click Here to View the Getting Started Guide for a Jumpstart!

This web-site is hosted by the Monmouth County Clerk and is dedicated to the recording of all documents regarding real property. The ultimate goal is to allow total electronic recording of specific documents along with various levels of electronic recording for all documents regarding real property. This service is not limited to Monmouth County; there are many other counties involved and they will be joining this site as their individual schedules allow.

Level II will include a scanned image of the document, supplied by the sender, along with the Document Summary Sheet. Recording & indexing will take place as usual and the recorded image is returned to sender with all recording information electronically stamped on it. Again all information can be tracked on this web-site.

Thank You
Christine Giordano Hanlon
Monmouth County Clerk